Certification according to International Standards
We provide testing advice, infrastructure, training and network for setting up profitable PV test and certification labs
Local certification and testing labs are established around the world
As solar industry is continuously expanding and PV module prices are dropping, quality checking becomes extremely important. Governments worldwide set up local qualification legislations, thus there is a rising demand for local testing and certification services of PV modules. In many countries, there is limited local test and certification laboratories which leads to slow response times and high prices for testing services. It is observed that new testing labs are being set up around the world from existing and new solar players.
We help our customers to set up ISO 17025 accredited PV testing and calibration laboratories
IEC 61215-1-1: 2016
Photovoltaic (PV) module Design qualification and type approval
- MQT 02: Maximum power determination
- MQT 04: Measurement of temperature coefficients
- MQT 06: Performance at STC and NMOT
- MQT 07: Performance at low irradiance
- MQT 09: Hotspot endurance test
- MQT 10: UV preconditioning test at 15 kWh/m²
- MQT 19: Stabilization
IEC 61730: 2016
Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification
- MST 2: Performance at STC
- MST 3: Maximum power determination
- MST 21: Temperature test
- MST 22: Hotspot endurance test
- MST 54: UV preconditioning test at 15 kWh/m² and 60 kWh/m²
IEC 61853-1: 2011
Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy rating – Part 1: Irradiance and temperature performance measurements and power rating (power matrix)
Do you want to learn more? Contact us!
Eternalsun Spire is a leading manufacturer of solar simulators for measuring the performance and reliability of all PV module technologies.